Anatomy of muckamuck

My mom told me as a tween that life is promenade of broken dreams but she said the most important thing is to remember that failing doesn’t make someone a failure.Failing in life can put a pretty big dent in self-confidence and even though it’s a huge disappointment, it’s worth keeping it all in perspective. Recognizing that failing in relationships, marriages, education, friendships or even business has little to do with talents and abilities as an individual, is the first step in rebuilding personal confidence.She inculcated in me the culture of self-acceptance, the ability to acknowledge my flaws while appreciating my strengths. Those words accompany me day and night as I face internal and external threats to my very targets in life. To be successful in relationships whether business or personal, it’s a matter of working out how to balance it all. The key is to decide what priorities are, to manage time, and to know when to step back and say no. Recently, an organization with global footprint offered me an opportunity to work on their project but demanded I relocate to San Fransisco which as it turned out later was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. The well calculated plan was meant to obtain intellectual property rights on a certain technology I won’t go into the details for now. So, was my rejection worthy it? Yes, it was as few weeks later a big corporate firm asked to enter into an agreement beneficial to both them and my side. Its ten times more valuable that state of California based company. One lesson learnt is that I have to connect with others at high speed levels and to test whether there’s an automatic sync and thereby fast-track the connection. Staying calm under pressure is a key attribute for success in business, school, work and life in general. Over the years, I see resilience as the strength that enables me to confront obstacles and overcome failures, deal with different types of opportunities, people, and cope with uncomfortable or unfair situations like that one from San Francisco.Just like any other human beings, there are things I don’t like about myself and accepting myself as I am is an important step in maintaining forward momentum and maintaining self-belief.

As my father used to advise, in life, for whatever reason, sometimes we just have to bow out of an opportunity that’s not resealable and would likely end up not working well. Whether it’s to do with huge money offers, personal stuff or just generally feeling overwhelmed, it’s nothing to feel bad about. Not even a single day have I regretted turning down the collaboration with the moneyed organization in San Fransisco.The reason had to do with how I was feeling about the whole case, which made me experience something that can’t be analyzed outside of my internal critic component. I love the adventure and discovery of doing different stuff in life but I have never been a short-termist. When those kind of process turns into aimless focus, deceit and quick exploitation, my interest and attention span are lost. Prosperousness is best demonstrated through upstandingness and altruistic, although they're running out of human beings traits. I view good decision as an informed decision where I need to appreciate the consequences of the various actions, especially the potential losses. On alloccasions I seek to understand what may be subconscious influences on a decision, be it the type of decision required, the rules being applied, stress, emotion and personality.Being a keen reader, I have developed the capacity to apply the right process to enhance decision making but also to better analyze whats worthy and worthless. A growth mindset is one that i can’t take for granted as my brain is constantly changing and challenging myself improves its strength, adaptability, and intelligence. It helps me grasp the result of hard work I put in and practice, not just simply something innate talent and unlearnable.Rejecting distractions and staying focused on the present are key skills that serves me well throughout my life and increases my ability to concentrate, remain calm and in control.Nothing in this world can alter my determination and passion to persevere toward a long-termgoal despite being confronted by significant distractions as that one from San Francisco. Being a millennial, I believe things need to get the necessary tasks accomplished as they are rewarding and will help reach my goals.Opulence in my opinion is the ability to build strong relationships and networks of contacts and supports as well as being able to work for and with all sorts of individuals, respect, support and appreciate them. Knowing how to get along with everyone no matter their background, class, race, religion or differences as well as being able to solve challenges amicably, is key tomy future success.This article first appeared here 


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