Wifie frabjous after divorce

After being divorced last summer, a wifie has seen her self-discovery and happiness reach an all time high. She is a fellow millennial whom we went to same elementary school, plenty of childhood memories ended up with her tumultuous life of marriage that spanned four years. What struck me was how contemplating leaving her marriage was based on evidence that justified absolutely it was the right decision for her. The list of stressful life events that took place were devastating in same length an breadth death of a loved one, jailing or illness can be. Gorgeous as ever, the single mother of a two year old song witnessed an alarming decrease in mental and physical health, financial problems and emotional torment all put together while she was ending the marriage.Little did she know that her divorce would end empowering and liberating her. Being a single mom, I can tell you Contador Harrison I have even been abused and had stories made about me for being a single mother and frankly its not an easy task to deal with such. But I have happy baby son who I gave a good life and believe me I’m determined to be a success as a person and mother, she narrated. As a single mum, I recently overheard a duo of guys having a chat about single mothers in a coffee shop I was having a meal saying they’d run if they found out they were dating a single mum.I couldn’t get it, isn’t about being happy for anyone who finds love, whether they’re a parent or not, she asked.Her divorce was hard but she feels that dating is harder. She asked your blogger when he’s seeing anyone and as reality is, answer was a straight no. Although she wasn’t in any way suggesting a romantic relationship to be brewed, I could see her cheeky smile as an indication, the elementary school mate is yearning for love making. Her assumption that dating is harder than walking on burning charcoal barefooted, is spot on and in my view anyone who claims otherwise is a dreamer, delusional or plainly stupid and downright deceitful. Those who hold a different opinion on dating to that, they just haven’t had to face the actual realities of the dating scene. Its even more challenge for someone like her because re-entering the single world after years of marriage is not a cakewalk.Although I’m not an expert in dating and relationships, both of which I detest and haven’t tried for ages, evolve every few months and with technology being part of the two, she agreed her entry will make her feel like she’s getting to new place that is foreign, different and intimidating, and at the beginning she will feel completely out of step. 

Basically, she just have to happy to be vaguely understood and make it through the relationship if she decides to.Of cause as a bloke who has and will never marry, I encouraged her to stay single, be economically and financially independent. Thanks to her new job, for the first time in her life she will own a house. Her brother also bought her a car, life is getting better and she is happy. To the dinosaurs who have failed to understand people like me or single mothers like her, your stereotypical notion of the traditional and cultural family is long dead and you can hang yourself if you think that those traditional family formats has any relevance in modern society. As a millennial, I believe sophisticated and joyful families are the new normal and not the screwed up marriages whether religious or civil that see women and men suffer from stress, plentiful lose lives and in the end up separating, making a mockery of why in the first place they came together. Its pure nonsense.While there are still some of my friends who see life I live as a flaw, I strongly feel that being a single mum for the elementary school mate no longer has as much stigma attached that it once did with previous generations.And who in this age can even dare demonize a single mother? Only a dimwit!Its diligent to be supportive to single mums and even dad but not judgmental. Luckily, for my former school mate, she has surrounded herself with strong friends including your blogger, so she will never have to deal with being criticized of being single mum. As she noted, marriage takes as much bravery to exit as it does to enter, but with dating, its hard to know who’s around the corner. She has no intention to fall into another relationship so quickly because she doesn’t consider herself emotionally that efficient.Undoubtedly, regardless of marriage  experience, there’s hope for her thanks to her tangible web of shared knowledge. Without that, she could be flying in singles life without a safety net especially now that any potential new partner is an unknown entity, a song she hasn’t heard.Her immediate goal as single mom is to be extremely disciplined, in control, calling all the shots and eventually everyone around her will benefit.Very proud of her to not be among those single mum who are seen as perpetuations of poverty, underachievement and crime. Well, she is now breeding a child determined to succeed in life and her own relationships. Thank goodness she didn’t stick together for the sake of the son because the poisonous atmosphere, pre-divorce, was almost unbearable by the accounts of events she shared. I salute her resilience and adequately acknowledged her magnificence in challenging circumstances. This article first appeared here 


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