Bint’s future munted by cocaine crave

Appetite for cocaine has seen dramatic labefaction of a bint that I have known for decades. We were at the same elementary school and afterwards she joined a Catholic school education while she lived in Adelaide with her uncle.It is a place where her cocaine use started and with time regularized it. With some income and pocket money from uncle she found the drug cocaine more accessible and affordable than in Melbourne. Sadly for her, journey of life ruination began and picked up pace. “A day consumption could cost me $100 to $140," she said. Recollecting on her introduction to the drug, she revealed at the time smoking cocaine seemed socially acceptable, but it led to a life-changing journey of intravenous cocaine use and jail.Cocaine she said can be taken in several ways including smoking, snorting and injecting but her preference was smoking. The use of cocaine stripped the dignity in her, confidence, self-esteem and it tore away her family, friends and destroyed her personal life. When I asked her how she was arrested, the bint narrated that she was living in an upmarket neighborhood of North Brighton, Adelaide with her bonk mate, a cocaine addict which was raided by coppers. "It was really devastating that I was about to walk into jail. I had never ever been incarcerated before and to know that all those who knew me from childhood like Contador Harrison were about to start talking about it, left me in tatters“ she said. Unlike other addicts that I have come across, she doesn’t blame anyone else for her woes but regrets are plenty. Her addiction picked up whenever the uncle would head to work, she would disappear for a few hours at first to smoke, during that period phone would be turned off or placed on flight mode. At the onset, she was always confident that it would be the last time she would turn to cocaine thought it had started to take over her life.Within few hours she would disappear again. A few hours would turn into a day.Then a week. She had no idea if she was lying asleep in fellow addicts bedrooms somewhere in North Brighton Adelaide or police lock up. High levels of addiction made it hard for her to sleep, rarely ate any food and within a few months, she had knots in her stomach and suddenly her weight dropped off from 80kg to 69kg in less than five months.She admitted that how hard concentrating with real became impossible and nothing in her life could work, couldn’t think about anything other than her cocaine, a companion that had become her must have daily.

Cocaine consumed her, she argued, fought with uncle and other relatives and could not understand why they were quarreling her.Most of her friends could not understand why she was addicted, why she couldn’t give cocaine up and why she was letting it take over her life.Eventually cocaine took her life into a different level, relatives who were traumatized and heartbroken, could not help her because she did not want to be helped. She was consumed by a substance and wasn’t ready to beat it.This is what cocaine did to her. It befriended, grabber her and when she went down and wanted to stop, the pain of the leaving cocaine became too much to bear.The realization and guilt felt when she saw the people being hurt was enormous.She’s remorseful that it was easier to get high as much as she wanted and would run away from everyone who loved her including the uncle who was paying for her education fees and upkeeps.Thankfully, with help of same people she didn’t want to see including friends and families, the bint has admitted substance abuse and decided that she will go to a rehabilitation to seek treatment for a substance problem that has impacted on her life and decision making. It is a significant challenge and one that she is committed to get through and coming out as better person.As her former schoolmate, I am not angry with her and I will never hate her because she fell victim to the drug that is ravaging so many young people as well as adults. She came from a good family, was brilliant in school always scored more points than your blogger and she had all the opportunities before her, if she wanted them.But as fate would have it, her relocation to Adelaide turned her life upside down, cocaine does not discriminate who it destroys their lives. It is impossible to force people to get help as such only works when the addict is ready.Often on this blog, I share stories of friends or strangers I’ve met who’ve seen their lives take a nosedive due to drugs, this elementary mate case, just gave me extra energy to write more about the perils of cocaine and other drugs so that thousands of people who visit this blog weekly can be armed with information and make the right life choices because just trying smoking cocaine once or any other drug could be more than enough to ruin your life.Fingers crossed that my childhood mate will give up on cocaine and live happily ever after through her life. As bint continues to get help and staying clean, there’s every reason for optimism.


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