Crystal meth addict story
Crystal methamphetamine, popularly known as ice, has destroyed millions of people’s lives including one I came across few days ago. It is a form of the potent stimulant drug methamphetamine and is the purest and most potent form of methamphetamine. It comes as a powder or crystals that are usually snorted, injected or smoked.As a member of outlawed bikie gang, she has been engaged in illegal activity involving the drug.As a consumer, she confessed that its highly addictive. Met her in a drugs rehabilitation center operated by a doctor who happens to be your blogger’s friend.The lady in her mid 20s said the drug can be turned out in makeshift laboratories and has had devastating effects on her.The doctor warned an entire generation is at risk with ice, with ice-related crime on the rise, adding there’s need to tackle the problem.She narrated how her plans for a wonderful marriage evaporated and sadly lost the custody of her daughter because of it, but says things could've been different had the community, family or friends referred her earlier to a rehabilitation program that she's in now.Her joy of being reformed was clear though she admitted her journey will be long, demanding but she’s up to the task ahead. The centre currently attends drug-related issues reported to local community or by family and has health workers, nurses, drug and alcohol workers that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Addicts are linked in with rehab, counseling or recreational programs that address the issues they're facing.For the lady, this was the type of intervention she desperately needed.I did ask how she started taking ice and shared how her former flame, a bikie gang member introduced it to her and quickly she felt the effect of methamphetamine due to the amount she took.
Mostly her flame would smoke, inject or swallow a pill, she said. But smoking it twice, she decided to be dissolving it into alcohol or water and drink it.When she smoked it, it had an immediate high, just in a couple of minutes she’ll get quite a big hit. However she ingested it through her stomach it took about 25 minutes before she could start feeling the effects.In her own words, the immediate effects from ice are intense pleasure. As a user, she had lots of energy and could think clearly, feel like she’s making good decisions and planning her life effectively.This is because, doctor explained methamphetamine dramatically increases the levels of the hormone dopamine by up to 1,000 times the normal level, much more than any other pleasure seeking activity or drug available. Like many others who are addicted, she used drugs when personal issues with bikie flame got on top of her and wanted to find something that would make her life seem better.The high gave her a complete sense of happiness and from then, she was hooked.In one instance of desperation she sold her jewelry to pay for another fix after her partner was arrested and jailed.Functioning for days with no sleep and being high a lot of her time awake, she said there was not a single friend or family member who was brave enough to hold a mirror up and let her know she was struggling.If I had someone talk to me about my ice use from onset, perhaps I wouldn't have lost as much as I did, she tearfully said.With the help at the center, she's now been ice free for more than three weeks and is attending rehabilitation programs as planned.There are physical effects on her that are clearly visible including dilated pupils, abnormal breathing rate and reduced appetite for food.As we parted, told her its a move in the right direction and wish her all the best, because i’m one of those who believe that when an addict gets to that point where he or she feel broken enough to want to change, there’s absolutely every reason to support and embrace that and encourage them to work on a solution.
Mostly her flame would smoke, inject or swallow a pill, she said. But smoking it twice, she decided to be dissolving it into alcohol or water and drink it.When she smoked it, it had an immediate high, just in a couple of minutes she’ll get quite a big hit. However she ingested it through her stomach it took about 25 minutes before she could start feeling the effects.In her own words, the immediate effects from ice are intense pleasure. As a user, she had lots of energy and could think clearly, feel like she’s making good decisions and planning her life effectively.This is because, doctor explained methamphetamine dramatically increases the levels of the hormone dopamine by up to 1,000 times the normal level, much more than any other pleasure seeking activity or drug available. Like many others who are addicted, she used drugs when personal issues with bikie flame got on top of her and wanted to find something that would make her life seem better.The high gave her a complete sense of happiness and from then, she was hooked.In one instance of desperation she sold her jewelry to pay for another fix after her partner was arrested and jailed.Functioning for days with no sleep and being high a lot of her time awake, she said there was not a single friend or family member who was brave enough to hold a mirror up and let her know she was struggling.If I had someone talk to me about my ice use from onset, perhaps I wouldn't have lost as much as I did, she tearfully said.With the help at the center, she's now been ice free for more than three weeks and is attending rehabilitation programs as planned.There are physical effects on her that are clearly visible including dilated pupils, abnormal breathing rate and reduced appetite for food.As we parted, told her its a move in the right direction and wish her all the best, because i’m one of those who believe that when an addict gets to that point where he or she feel broken enough to want to change, there’s absolutely every reason to support and embrace that and encourage them to work on a solution.
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