Securing firms from cyber attacks
IT managers face daily realities of combating a relentless battle against the increasing frequency and complexity of threats, their attitude is rapidly changing. When I asked a forensic expert working in Montreal,Canada about her expected challenges for 2015 as well as her own personal online security habits, she told that how willing she is to trust her own personal data with a service provider that outsourced IT security. Along with this rise in as-a-Service consumption in her personal life, perhaps IT leadership is also emboldened by the increased acceptance and successful adoption of cloud services, as she is now one of the IT managers working in global cooperation who recognizes that, with the right due-diligence and sourcing strategy, IT security is also suited to this model.However, putting enterprise IT security into a service provider’s hands, especially increasingly complex functions, requires a high level of trust and assurance. For the IT decision makers, it is reputation in the enterprise market that wins out as the most critical attribute needed when winning their business. It’s no surprise to me that businesses of all sizes are increasingly considering cost effective, multi-threat security solutions and perhaps most importantly, around-the-clock risk mitigation.A demand fueled by compliancy, greater executive awareness of IT risk and advanced persistent threats, combined with the need for sourcing expert security personnel and global threat-response intelligence, managing security capabilities to managed security service providers is emerging as a key strategy for enterprises today.
With the clear majority of IT decision makers have been citing high levels of rising pressure and their job of protecting the business getting tougher and rougher and in 2015, the rise of managed security services will indeed be an interesting trend to look for, with all indications pointing to its upward trajectory.As the work of securing companies from cyber attacks get tougher and data privacy demands goes up, IT leaders are increasingly considering managed security services.The demands for securely enabling employee mobility, and emerging technology like big data, and there’s a lot of weight on the shoulders of senior IT professionals today, causing them to re-evaluate their goals to ensure they strike the right balance to achieve resilience in the face of rising cyber threats. Most IT leaders I know have told me they have been provoked into looking at new IT security investment and to re-assess their security strategy, due to rising data privacy concerns and securing big data initiatives.It should come as no surprise then, that the influencing factors for moving to managed security services are not led by cost and resource considerations, but by the need for always-on, high-performance, comprehensive, security infrastructure.The decision-makers are showing a growing appetite for managed security services, with most of them citing ‘outsourcing some or all IT security functions’ to a managed security service provider as the single most important initiative for confronting the rising complexity and volume of cyber threats in their organizations because they see service providers as experts who have better capability and economies of scale to manage and secure their data.
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