Protecting women from sexual abuse
Whenever I listen to American Rock band Good Charlotte track Lifestyle of the rich and the famous it makes me think of lifestyle of the most heinous criminals in this world that include buffoons that perfect in the art of sexually abusing and harassing our women.As much as we try to feel complacent about the progress in giving our women equal footing with men,the world cannot ignore the fact that women are still very much on the losing side.Listen to Green Day hit song 21st century breakdown and you’ll notice that we are no better than previous century when it comes to behavior.When we have the likes of the late Jimmy Savile of this world, the former BBC presenter, you will believe me that it’s still a men’s world out there.Watching the FIFA world player of the year ceremony the other day reminded the World which of the gender is superior and therefore must be honored last lest Television audience fall like a stick. In fact, it wasn’t too long ago when women were considered non-starters and in the most primitive cultures that I cannot mention women were described as secondary objects within the society.
History that I have read shows that since the International women conference held in Kenyan capital some 29 years ago, fighting for more equal representation in politics and business as well as equal opportunities of promotion and pay has continued unabated albeit with little success. The follow up Beijing conference in China held 19 years ago created an enabling environment for protection of women’s basic rights, especially protection from physical and mental harm that were largely overlooked by men. There is no doubt women still face threats of sexual harassment and rape from Pilbara in north western Australia to Gulu in northern Uganda and from San Francisco in US to Tokyo in Japan where they are vulnerable to abuse both at home and at the workplaces. Research has shown that rapist can be anyone the victim knows all too well or a prominent figure in authority and even in some studies victims identified their abusers as people they have been brought up to trust. I am one of those who strongly believe that whoever conduct the harassment, the law and its enforcers must and should always side with the victims. Although protecting our women is not negotiable, police handling cases related to sexual violence and abuse should do so professionally. There is need to listen to their conscience to allow justice to prevail no matter how grave the crime can be, and should stop shifting the blame on to the victims as has been the case in many reported cases.
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