Millennials should take care of aging parents
Being a millennia generation does not mean Contador Harrison will neglect his relatives who are aging given the expectations our static juice pruning folks, I have failed to understand why we are marginalizing certain persons in our day to day lives. Recently a blud who has made me hate marriage with a passion caved in to his wife demands by depositing his mother and father in a home for the aged, a move that annoyed me. The same wife has her aged parents being taken care of in the same environ but the foolish man trashed his biological parents to the aging dustbin. As a bloke brought up in urban life, I know it is not even a matter of the requirements of work, but a result of pure selfishness that led this 38 year old friend (I told him I will write about his case) to think that aging people are a bother in the home, they bring limitations and even to some buffoons odor smell. Oh, give me a break! Unless one is a duffer, we all know that there a...