Heartbreaking stories of drugs addicted kids
For him, prescription drugs were an easy fix to his stress and were perfect for alleviating acute pain after an motorbike accident five years ago. In his own words, opioids were especially useful in treating his chronic pain, a more difficult condition to pin down and cure. Thats how a nine years old boy, the youngest drug user I have ever come across narrated to your blogger how his addiction began.I met the child while walking on the street the other day when he stopped and asked me for a $1 note, initially he said it was for food but after engaging him, admitted its for his high.For me, it was extremely sad to see such a child being susceptible to drugs, but as we talked few more emerged to join the chinwag most who said started taking drugs because of their natural curiosity .Their stories ranged from the pressure put on children by their parents and teachers as one of the main reasons that the children turned to drugs. One of them said, when he was in kindergarten he was being fo...