
Showing posts from June, 2017

Hard life is killing sex life

Our ancestors used to have less stress than we do today. Plenty has changed but one thing that hasn’t for centuries is that men and women are stereotypically thought of as always wanting sex. Science has shown that low sexual desire in men has become common unlike before. Back in my school days, whenever you would hear of us boys and the topic of sex drive, it was usually a conversation about some of the boys having too much of it. Boys used to have sex on the brain and that was acceptable mantra you’ll often hear whether in class, break time or even evening classes.A great friend of mine does believe low sexual desire in both boys and men is becoming fashionable but apparently it’s affecting many of us than we realize.He believes the cause is that boys and men of these days are so occupied with life and are tired and stressed for sex. On that observation, I tend to agree that when one is really exhausted at the end of the day, fatigue will eventually overwhelm, others are overwhelmed...

Heartbreaking story of a girl who quit drugs

I was on a skiing trip in the alps when I started experiencing what I guessed were the telltale signs of sexually transmitted disease. Walking in glacier I became distinctly aware of an uncomfortable flu and diarrhoea. I was also having trouble going to the lavatories. And I was extinguished energetically, but I attributed this to the fact that daily activity wasn't the best training for three weeks of sustained mountain skiing.I'd suffered similar symptoms in Italy the month before. Initially, I blamed my discomfort on the relentlessly daily skiing training. However the health problem persisted. I'd been to see an Italian doctor who took a swab, peered at it, and even let me have a look, before asking me to take a blood test and after results were out, told me that I had a sexually transmitted disease. After contracting the disease, I concluded that I needed medical intervention. I also needed a counsellor. I didn't really believe it at the beginning, but a few days l...

Hugging and kissing matters in a relationship

I was having a chat with an individual who doesn’t understand why he’s never seen me hugging anyone and feels that i should start doing so. It started as an idle discussion only to end up being deep conversation on how often should someone hug and those lucky kiss. I frankly don’t know but according to the individual, He says that engaging in a kiss at least twice each day declare to his lovers helps him and them to stay connected. Even though he may tell his mate he love them, giving them a kiss reaffirms to them that he’s still in love with them.He believes that the kiss every day has a more immediate and dramatic effect on a relationship than anything else one could do. Also, he says given in the morning, it sets the tone for the rest of the day and given early in the evening, it sets the mood for the rest of the night.That sounded like a great plan. He says that no matter what time of day he kiss, he feels warm, close and connected. It doesn't even matter whether he feel like ...

Why intimacy matters in relationship

The other day I had a chat with a  friend who is having a rocky relationship and during the convo it was clear she’s blaming lack of intimacy as the reason for her woes . As a person who hasn’t been involved in the business of love for ages, i sought to find out what she meant with intimacy because it could different from what I knew. Of cause it doesn’t harm to learn something knew. In her response she said Intimacy to her means a sense of closeness shared with her boyfriend that can take some time and work to establish in a relationship.She added that intimacy is about loving trust and support as well as accepting and sharing in her partner's feelings, being there when he want to let their defences down and knowing that her boyfriend will be there for her. What was clear in her was that intimacy was more about words and actions, and sharing feelings and experiences, pain and sadness, as well as happiness and love, hard work and humour . And as a result i asked her what among all...

Five biggest challenges facing Africa

Africa faces similar challenges affecting the rest of world but as we enter the second half of 2017,  it's worth sharing the great shifts and challenges facing Africa , and what Africa is doing in partnership with other regions to maintain peace, build prosperity and enhance sustainability for the future. The five biggest challenges include terrorism, wars and conflicts, environmental issues which is clearly about climate change and global warming. The other two are economic and financial issues especially poverty and the gap between the rich and poor and over-population and unemployment. Although very common challenges, religion, immigration, human rights, government and politics as well as leadership are  mentioned as being Africa’s other biggest problems but didn’t make among the top five of your blogger’s analysis . Social Issues are also facing Africa  including social apathy and family breakdowns, selfishness and moral decline, drugs and drug abuse, anger and viole...

How Uganda can exploit on Chinese tourism

Ugandan government through its tourism strategy is supporting the tourism sector to reap the benefits of growth in visitor numbers while managing the pressures this places on businesses, communities and infrastructure.The tourism strategy both aligns and coordinates the government in Kampala efforts supporting the sector to boost the economic contribution of tourism across the country and plan for the future.The strategy complements the industry led growth framework developed to address low growth and a declining share of tourism activity.It is clear the strategy focuses on various challenges such as attracting the right mix of visitors in places like Murchison falls, Queen Elizabeth National Park, ensuring visitors have a high quality experience in places like Jinja and supporting regions like Eastern Uganda, Northern Uganda and Western Uganda to respond to and benefit from increasing visitor numbers. It is designed to help the sector attract high-value visitors and investment , not o...

Story of a love rejectee

A couple of days ago was having a chinwag with a friend who is yet to recover from being rejected by his skirtie. In his own words,  you feel rejected when you fail to get love, attention, friendship or approval from a person from whom you wanted to receive this . For his case, when he was turned down by someone who he asked out on a date, when his partner fell out of love with him and she ended up in group of friends meeting up together without inviting him in his hood. The emotion is triggered by his girl action revealed to him what his actual feelings for the lady are. In our convo, he made clear that his action were outright and deliberate, for instance, when the girl told him she don’t want to see him anymore. My advise is take care lovers, wherever you are.  Whether you’re in a relationship or want to be in a relationship, research over a number of relationships that leaves behind broken hearts and broken wallets . I’m not in love with anyone and ain’t even an idea that...

Sperm donation in Africa

In Africa, sperm donation has gone up, a friend told me recently. That was an indication that despite cultural and ethnic diversity, many men are now brave enough compared to a decade ago to be sperm donors. There are many reasons to donate sperms in my view. One of them is that it helps single women or couples heterosexual or same sex who cannot conceive naturally. Also it is an opportunity to give back and provide a service for someone. Donors also want to see firsthand the joy a new child can bring to a family and they would like to help women or couples who are unable to achieve a pregnancy. Overall sperm donation is a noble idea because it also help others enjoy parenthood as much as they have donors with children. Being a donor help women and couples unable to bear children to add something new to their lives. It also make a difference in the world. And can we forget tat giving is a good thing to do as human beings? A sperm donor i know all too well, recently told ...

Why gangs in Africa love social media

Social Media has enhanced the way gangs in Africa communicate to their clients . In a investigation involving how the continent’s top gangs are using dark net to sell their products and services, mainstream online platforms like social media emerged as recruitment for lawbreaking groups. Nigerian and Ghanian drug smugglers as well as illegal arms dealers are among those using social media to sell passports stolen in their thousands across the continent to assist in their criminal activities. One of the investigator told your blogger that passport fraud was among the biggest threat facing Africa together with migration, terrorism and poverty.  West African countries of Nigeria and Ghana have unfortunately gained a reputation as one of the major centres for the forgery and alteration and trade of stolen passports . A number of foreign syndicates based in Nigeria and Ghana are buying and selling stolen passports both altered and unaltered for use mainly by criminals based in other co...