
Showing posts from November, 2014

Google Android 5.0 Lollipop’s test version review

The latest version of Android brings a completely new experience and has battery-saving features as well as native multi user support for phones and tablets.This is easily the biggest Android update in 3 years and is a confirmation of progress in the Android world. Google had earlier announced the next version of Android at the Google I/O in June this year.At that point, Google did not give an official name to the next version of the Operating System back by merely referring to it as Android L, but the world now know that the L is known as Lollipop and is finally on the verge of being released.Past OS update have all been incremental updates to the Jelly Bean version of Android, running from version 4.0 to 4.4 in that span.The new update brings a long list of new features and improvements to the table. Changes to the Android ecosystem with Lollipop will be Material Design, which will be the new design language across Android and Google as a whole. According to Google, Material D...